For the Home Owner-Tips to get ahead and save interest As I’m sure you’re aware, increasing repayments on your home loan, no matter how small an amount will help save interest and pay off your loan sooner. If you’re thinking ‘yes Paul I know that, I’ve heard it a gazillion times but where do I get […]
Home Loan Redraw or Offset
Which is best a home loan redraw or offset account? Always an interesting question. The answer depends on how you want to run your home loan and associated cashflow and additional repayments. The specifics of a home loan redraw or offset account are as follows, Redraw-Most variable rate home loans and some fixed rate loans […]
Begin with the end in mind
If you have read Stephen Covey’s famous book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People you will be aware that Habit #2 is “Begin with the end in mind“. This habit can be directly applied to the humble home loan. In this context, the “end” is the repayment of the loan. There are two main ways repayment […]