For the Home Owner-Tips to get ahead and save interest As I’m sure you’re aware, increasing repayments on your home loan, no matter how small an amount will help save interest and pay off your loan sooner. If you’re thinking ‘yes Paul I know that, I’ve heard it a gazillion times but where do I get […]
Mind the interest rate gap
Mind the interest rate gap Over the past twelve months or so, a significant interest rate gap has opened up between different types of loans. This has been driven by regulatory changes to reduce investment and interest only loans. Banks and lenders responded by increasing rates on investment loans and interest only loans. Increases have been […]
Housing wants vs housing needs
Housing wants vs housing needs-the more you want the more you pay. Housing in many parts of Australia is expensive and getting more so each year. There are numerous reports calculating the high ratio of household income to property prices and can make scary reading. But it’s not the whole story. Australian Bureau of Statistics […]
Home Loan Review
Home Loan Review When was the last time that you did a home loan review? If it’s more than three years ago, it’s worth a look. If it’s more than five years ago, definitely. If it’s more than eight years ago, absolutely. Why take the trouble? Quite simply, things change and home and investment property […]